Another Blog Story

… Only this one is about blogs in NY, and says nothing about them dying. We hope it’s not just an attempt by amNY to get all “6,250” of the city’s blogs to link to them. Then, again, chances are if you’re reading this you already have your fave few (thousand).

We’re beginning to wonder: Is everyone writing about blogs the same way pop musicians used to include “D.J.” in their lyrics, so they’d get radio airtime? Nonetheless, we are glad amNY has discovered the Web after all those years (in internet time) when they forced us to read a PDF by going through the New York Newsday site. Even if they haven’t learned the LA Times‘ and WashPost‘s lessons of letting comments through without a filter:

We think that’s the “blogroll” they ask us in print to submit to (and, believe us, “test” is the least of it), but that didn’t seem to make it to the Web. And why is Jen Chung looking so washed out in am‘s online version? We did learn one thing: Microsoft Word will now approve the word “blog” and its offshoots, which we know means more for Americans’ spelling than any edition of Webster’s.

We’re also glad to see, the site from which they pulled their “6,250” number (up to 6,251 by this morning!), seems to be updating again.