More Media Minutiae: The Newborn Blog Addendum

  • The Nation has a Notion. That’s the name of the magazine’s new blog, The Notion. Get it? Anyway, “Hurricane” Katrina vanden Heuvel, the magazine’s editor and publisher, will regularly contribute, but beyond her, The Notion is no Huffington Post — just some Nation editors and contributors who all look pretty damn handsome in their contributor photos. (And who knew The Nation would ever let Marc Cooper blog again after this?
  • Nick Denton gets back to his roots. His Silicon Valley ones, anyway. (Not the Hungarian or Oxbridge ones.) Today sees the birth of Valleywag, a name that combines half of “Sillicon Valley” with a droll reference to East Coast gossips that no one actually in Silicon Valley will actually get. (And that will not make anyone on the East Coast care.) Sample scoop: Google’s Larry Page used to date company hottie Marissa Mayer. This is actually a great piece of gossip. No, really! Valleywag is truly an idea whose time had come… five years ago, when Denton originally approached Valley wag Chris Nolan about starting a gossip site. Then he looked around, realized everyone was borderline comatose from the crash and moved to New York, where he met a young financial analyst named Elizabeth Spiers…