Time Central Stops Swiss Watch Review, Assigns Xemex To Lyon

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Time Central scrapped a review and hired Lyon Advertising in Austin, Texas, to develop U.S. ads for the Xemex line of Swiss watches.
Lawrence Rubin, president of Austin-based Time Central, said he halted a search that included Texas and New York shops after meeting with Lyon founder and president Doug Lyon, the former GSD&M associate creative director who launched his agency last July.
Rubin declined to discuss spending for the product, which he plans to have in wide distribution this year.
Lyon Advertising’s initial work includes introductory print ads. “The watch industry is very competitive, and it is extremely important that we begin by developing a strong positioning for the brand,” Lyon said.
TC acquired U.S. distribution rights last year for the Xemex line, designed by former Swiss ad executive Ruedi Kulling. The stark steel watches retail for $500-1,000; pricier gold and platinum models will be added this year.
Rubin cited Lyon’s creative work for R.C. Cola while at Austin’s GSD&M and Lyon Advertising’s proximity to Time Central as factors in the decision to bypass a review.
Lyon is also handling media buying, public relations and promotions.