Priceless Humor

Leave it to David Letterman to put the current travails of our commander-in-chief in the proper perspective.
On a recent installment of The Late Show, Letterman, with acid tongue firmly in cheek, expressed his disdain for marketers who “cash in on the misfortune” of others.
The skit pokes fun at the McCann-Erickson’s MasterCard campaign, which consists of slice-of-life vignettes such as a father and son at a baseball game. The copy itemizes costs: “Two tickets–$28, two hot dogs–$18 real conversation with 11-year old son–priceless.” All the spots end with the tagline, “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.”
Letterman’s version (shown here) goes like this: “18 lawyers over 22 months–$2.3 million. Illicit surveillance equipment–$830. Photocopying costs for final report–$12,270. Impeaching the president’s fat, guilty ass–priceless.”
“He made the logo bigger than we do. What a suck-up!” said Nina DiSesa, executive creative director at McCann here.
–Hank Ki