Discord: How to Upload a Custom Profile Banner on Mobile

Subscribers can customize their profiles in an exclusive way

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Discord allows Nitro subscribers to upload a custom banner image on their profile. Initially, this feature was only available in the Discord desktop application, but it was extended to the mobile app, as well.

Here’s how to upload a custom profile banner in the Discord mobile app.

Step 1: Tap your profile picture in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Screenshot of the Discord mobile application with a red arrow pointing at the user's profile picture in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Tap “User Profile.”

Screenshot of Discord's profile picture menu with a red arrow pointing at "User Profile"

Step 3: Tap your current profile banner.

Screenshot of Discord's User Profile screen with a red arrow pointing at the user's profile banner

Step 4: Tap “Upload Profile Banner” and then choose an image from your device’s camera roll.

Screenshot of Discord's Profile Banner menu with a red arrow pointing at "Upload Profile Banner"

Step 5: Once you’ve selected an image, Discord will highlight a portion to use as your profile banner. You can use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to rotate the image. You can also tap and hold on the screen to drag the image around, and/or use the cropping tool to highlight a different portion of the image.

Screenshot of Discord's profile banner editing screen showing a picture of a landscape in the center of the screen. The application has highlighted a rectangular portion of the image that will be used as the user's profile banner image.

Step 6: When you’re done customizing your profile banner, tap “Choose” in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Screenshot of Discord's profile banner editing screen showing a picture of a landscape in the center of the screen. A red arrow points at "Choose" in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Step 7: Tap “Save” in the top-right corner of the screen to save your changes.

Screenshot of Discord's User Profile screen with a red arrow pointing at "Save"

Disclosure: Discord gave Adweek’s Social Pro Daily a one-month Nitro subscription for the creation of guides.