Introducing the Iconic UnBeige Cube

Since we’re on a branding kick today, there’s an interesting little bit up on Sonspring called “Minimal Logo Design.” It’s a nice look at several companies who strip things way down and, in some cases, use just a single color. That’s the case with H&R Block, the first company discussed. They don’t quite get it so much on the site, but we’ve always really liked it. It works in the name, it screams “simplicity” in a business where, essentially, you’re paying for nothing but simplicity, and it’s that weird green color we associate with money. But that’s just in this writer’s quick analysis. In a sea of people who don’t like the logo, and there are many, here’s a much better story about it and its launch. But back to the point: Sonspring points out some nice examples. Here’s a little bit:

I suppose it makes me wonder why so many other companies have such wildly unsuccessful branding, when simplicity seems to sell just as well. For instance, JCPenny has a long-established brand of their company logo written in a thin white font, placed over a solid square, which varies in color for seasonal advertisements. Lately though, I have taken notice and been amused by their TV ads, sporting a new “aqua” look to the square of the logo. I suppose it’s nice to see Apple’s brand influencing mainstream advertising. I can’t help but wonder, if by applying this effect to everything, companies aren’t actually diluting their own branding.