Do Employers Really Care Where Job Seekers Went to College?

successAccording to a piece in today’s New York Post, as students decide which college they’re going to attend, employment may be on their minds, too.

That is, will going to one college over another better position them for a particular job four years from now?

Greg Giangrande, HR executive in the media industry, says it’s a two-fold answer. At the entry-level a few internships on a resume and not much else, perhaps “the quality of the school from which one graduates is most important.”As professionals proceed with their careers, the quality of their work experience and their work history will supersede the school and outweigh the quality of the undergraduate institution “by far.”

Consider this — whether it’s a CEO, doctor, attorney, teacher, managing editor, professionals come from a variety of levels of undergrad institutions.

His overall advice? “Pick the best school and environment that offers her the academics and activities that interest her and where she will feel comfortable.”