Three Innovative Ways to Ramp Up Your Networking

When we read this post on Intuit, we couldn’t agree with it more.

Sure, networking at its core doesn’t really change over the time but your strategies sure can. Here are a few new ones to spice things up…

1. Create a layoff test. In the post, Alexandra Levit, workplace expert and author of New Job, New You writes, “If you got laid off from your job today, who are the 10 people you’d e-mail for advice on what to do next?  Reach out to them now, when you don’t need anything specifically.  Have lunch, coffee, or even a phone call.  You never know what gold nuggets might come out of an informal conversation without an urgent agenda.”

2. Start your own association. One of the best ways to tap into your network is to create it from the ground up. Start a local chapter of a professional organization that doesn’t exist in your area or simply create a new Meetup from scratch and meet on a regular basis.

As the group organizer, you’ll automatically be the consummate connector. In addition to face-to-face meetings, expand it online to create a newsletter and of course, connect with members on LinkedIn to tap into their networks as well.

3. Create an intriguing people fund. That is, think of it as your own budget for networking lunches, coffee and transportation expenses for networking meetings and informational interviews.

Levit writes, “Pick a person who is a weaker tie but with whom you would like to have a stronger alliance, and for several months, invest time and energy into building the relationship via shared knowledge and offers to help.”