LAT: New Yorkers are Among Us

In the Sunday Calendar, the LAT finally devotes some significant ink to ReganBooks’ upcoming move to Los Angeles, using it as a springboard for a shocking revelation: Lots of people move from New York to Los Angeles! And when they come here, they usually buy cars and find themselves disappointed in the delis. Rest assured, though. Even when transplanted New Yorkers talk about loving Los Angeles, there’s still a subtext of moral and intellectual snobbery. For instance, Court TV / E! correspondent (and wife of Bill Bratton) Rikki Klieman has this to say (I bolded for emphasis):

“We walk the hills in Griffith Park on weekends, and it’s transporting, like Tuscany,” said Klieman, a lawyer and legal analyst for E! Entertainment and Court TV. Yes, she said, “Los Angeles is an early town for people used to Manhattan, but I’ve never been healthier, because I go to bed early – I can’t go down the block anymore to solve the world’s problems over a bottle of wine.

In other words: Los Angeles– great hiking, and so restful on account of how we’re all so stupid.