Italian Police: 'George Clooney Is Not Something You Should Wear'

Rare is the day that we here at UnBeige HQ get to report on stories about people who our relatives know the names of. But such is the plight of the industry-specific blog (assuming that industry isn’t, say, celebrities). So it comes with great satisfaction to pick out this snippet: the AP is reporting that George Clooney is supporting Italian law enforcement officials who are investigating a fraud charge against two fashion designers who were trying to launch a clothing line using the actor’s name. Here’s a bit:

Tax police said they seized garments and watches Wednesday, as well as fake documentation. The ANSA news agency said the line was to be launched in Milan next week.

Police said the probe stemmed from a complaint filed by the actor.

“If someone tries to sell you clothes or watches that are based on me, don’t buy them,” Clooney, 46, told reporters Wednesday in Rome…

Maybe after this, someone will finally start investigating the popular mall destination, Rene Russo’s Bowtie Design Unlimited, and the Lou Ferrigno School of Architecture. We’ve suspected fraud with the both of them for far too long.