Writer Turns the First-Year Corner in Brooklyn

Ashley C. Ford is straight out of Indianapolis.

AshleyFordTwitterPicAshley C. Ford (pictured) is the first to admit that she got ridiculously lucky a year ago at this time when she moved from Indianapolis to Brooklyn. In very short order, the contributing editor at Literary Hub landed a large, affordable two-bedroom apartment, complete with friendly roommate.

In her Fusion essay, Ford also revisits some helpful advice she was given at the New York outset:

My editor told me, “To survive your first year in New York, just pretend you’re in an indie film.” I took his advice, and ran with it. Now, I’m wondering if this movie is over-extending the budget with an overzealous running time.

Ha ha. From Indy to indie. Ford, who also freelances for outlets including Elle magazine and BuzzFeed, recently took part in a piece on her site for which female writers and editors were queried about their experiences on Twitter. It’s an informative read, with feedback like this:

Madeleine Holden, writer and creator of Critque My Dick Pic: When I had fewer than 100 followers, the misogyny and trolling was minimal, but present. I remember having a conversation with my female friends about the point at which they felt it increased, and they said around the 600-follower mark. That was true, in my experience, but in general it has increased with my following.

Ford is currently writing a memoir and co-editing, with the esteemed Roxane Gay, an anthology titled – Not That Bad: Dispatches From Rape Culture.

[Photo via: @iSmashFizzle]