Pinterest Brings Its Shopping Features to 7 More Countries

Merchants will gain access to the Verified Merchant Program, storefronts and a new product tagging feature

Leaders from Glossier, Shopify, Mastercard and more will take the stage at Brandweek to share what strategies set them apart and how they incorporate the most valued emerging trends. Register to join us this September 23–26 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Pinterest extended its shopping features for both merchants and Pinners to seven more countries Wednesday: Austria, Brazil, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.

“Over the years, we’ve made it possible to go from Pin to purchase,” Pinterest head of shopping product Dan Lurie told Adweek. “Computer vision and visual search enable Pinners to re-create a look on a body or in a house, and this was designed to enable inspired shopping.”

The platform’s shopping push kicked into high gear with the introduction of several features in April 2020, including the addition of shop tabs in its search experience and home décor and fashion boards, as well as updates to its visual search experience.

More updates in the U.K.



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