Newsweek Defends Reporter Detained in Iran

Maziar Bahari, Newsweek reporter on Iran was asleep at 7 a.m. when security officers showed up to his Tehran apartment to seize his laptop, several videotapes and to take him into custody. Newsweek‘s Jon Meacham quickly issued a statement condemning the detention of Bahari and calling for his immediate release. That was ten days ago.

Today, the magazine is again calling for Bahari’s release in the below statement:

“Maziar Bahari has been detained in Iran since June 21 without access to a lawyer. An Iranian state news agency reports that Bahari has said he participated in a Western media effort to promote irresponsible reporting in Iran. Newsweek strongly disputes that charge, and defends Bahari’s work. Maziar Bahari is a veteran journalist whose long career, both in print and in documentary filmmaking, has been accurate, even-handed, and widely respected. Newsweek again calls for his immediate release.”

For more on Bahari and his arrest, click here.