Tweetdeck's JobDeck Reviewed

TweetDeck has just launched a job-searching Twitter client in conjunction with TwitJobSearch, a Twitter job-search engine.

JobDeck is free, and it’s a Twitter client, and both of these things are positives.

But what does it do?

We installed the thing (virus-testing is just another of the many services we offer!) and it turns out that JobDeck is just a branded version of TweetDeck that comes with two extra columns: one that lets you follow TwitJobSearch and another that lets you follow a list of job search experts.

TwitJobSearch scans Tweets for messages that sound like job ads, but we couldn’t figure out how to get that column (which would be really useful) into JobDeck.

If you need a job and a Twitter client, this baby is a one-stop shop.

Would we ditch our current client? Maybe, maybe not.