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KISS on Entertaindom

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KISS on Entertaindom
Glendale, Calif.-based–the Time Warner entertainment hub that is allowing viewers the opportunity to send Gothic glam rocker Marilyn Manson to heaven or hell in an upcoming Webisode of God and Devil Show–and Los Angeles-based Brilliant Digital Entertainment today launched the “Be Immortal with KISS” sweepstakes. One winner will become an animated 3-D guest star in the KISS Immortals Web series, which premiered March 1. Other prizes include tickets and backstage passes to a KISS concert, KISS paraphernalia and a KISS makeover.

E-mail Series Debuts
New York-based interactive marketing technology firm togglethis today will launch a two-episode e-mail advertising campaign for the Pontiac Aztek Sport Recreation Vehicle. The toggled show will promote the introduction of the new SRV, which is scheduled to hit showrooms this summer. Users can sign up for the series at both togglethis and Pontiac’s Web sites. The series was created with Boston-based interactive services firm Digitas.

Goldmine Picks Genex
GoldMine Software, a Los Angeles-based mid-market supplier of interactive management solutions, has tapped Genex, a Los Angeles-based digital business solutions developer, to launch two Web sites in Q3. will feature e-commerce, licensing management, interactive partner-relationship management and access to the company’s international markets and product demonstrations. A second, as-yet- unnamed, URL will focus on employee, sales and marketing issues