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Why Juries Must Become More Diverse for Industry Awards to Be Truly Legitimate

Brand Marketing

Is it a coincidence that both the entertainment and advertising industries are facing a diversity crisis on their awards juries? Probably not. Both of these industries, which champion and celebrate [...]

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Andys chooses ‘Montage Me’ call for entries


Kudos to the Andy Awards for at least trying to modernize the fusty ad-awards business. Rather than simply add new categories, the Andys organizers clearly want to recognize big changes [...]

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‘Elect the Jury’ is electing jury you expected


Everyone in advertising bemoans that it isn't as relevant in the culture anymore. The Clios used to be televised! Well, it turns out the industry is pretty insular itself. The [...]

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Egos claw and scratch for Andys-jury votes


The idea of electing the jury for the 2010 Andy Awards is commendable: Instead of picking the same creatives who judge all the awards shows, open up the process to [...]

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No one with talent wants to be your friend


Mother London has created an amusing call-for-entries campaign for the Andy Awards, in which you can send bogus friend-requests to your buddies from top ad-industry creatives. When the recipients of [...]

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Your creative work makes Gerry Graf vomit


The Andy Awards has set up a call-for-entries Web site called the Instacritique. You’re invited to upload your work and get various reactions from five well-known creative directors, as well [...]