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CVS Rebrands in First Ads From BBDO

Brand Marketing

CVS Caremark Corp. has rebranded itself itself to CVS Health. And to tout the change, the company has unveiled a new logo and tagline, “Health Is Everything,” with an all-encompassing [...]

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Philip Morris Ignites Legal Battle With Aussies

Brand Marketing

The Australian government will make you think twice before lighting up. Lawmakers in Canberra have plans to remove all types of branding from cigarette packaging, replacing it with gruesome color [...]

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‘Subliminal’ Marlboro racing logo flames out


You're a cigarette brand, and you agreed to spend $1 billion sponsoring Formula One racing. But then Europe passes a pesky law that forbids advertising tobacco (and only tobacco) at [...]

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American Legacy smokes out new acronym


Arnold's latest "Truth" entry for the American Legacy Foundation reprises the "mock job interview" theme launched a few weeks ago, this time focusing on big business' love affair with acronyms. [...]

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Davidoff cigars orgasmic or just plain stinky


"Every man has a D-spot," claim these three print ads for Davidoff cigars. I dunno, this guy here looks more catatonic than orgasmic. It's probably the emphysema. In another ad, [...]