When Not Whacking Zombies, This TV Star Is Lurking on Reddit

Interview with The Walking Dead's Steven Yeun

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Who Steven Yeun

Age 30

Claim to fame Stars as Glenn Rhee on AMC’s The Walking Dead (Sundays, 9 p.m.)

Base Los Angeles

Twitter @steveyeun

What’s the first information you consume in the morning?

I turn on the computer and I’m probably on Reddit straight away. I’m a lurker. That’s what they call them, right? People that don’t post but they just read stuff? I really like the science subreddits, but typically I just go to the front page and let it tell me what the day is about.

What are your go-to social media platforms?

I use Instagram and Twitter. A long time ago, when I first started, I used to tweet a lot of “this is what I’m into” or “this is what I just watched” or stuff like that. I’ll still do that on occasion, but I’ve gotten better at not boring people who are following me. So I just periodically post some information or something that I’m interested in. It’s still not very well-curated, I guess [laughs].

Who do you follow?

My favorite people to follow on Twitter are probably Howard Stern, Sarah Silverman, Steve Carell—he rarely tweets but when he does, it’s very potent—Hannibal Buress, Jimmy Fallon. Any comedy dudes.

Do you listen to any comedy podcasts?

I do. I actually listen to Comedy Bang Bang, WTF With Marc Maron and Chris Hardwick’s Nerdist.

What’s your favorite app?

Right now, it’s a toss-up between what I use the most, which is the KitCam camera app because I post a lot of pictures on Instagram, and the ESPN Fantasy Football app. My friend also got me started on this game called Two Dots, which is ruining my life. It’s like Candy Crush for adults. Don’t download it!

Did you get the iPhone 6 yet?

I did. It takes some getting used to. It’s actually pretty funny—I saw Michael Strahan earlier today, and he has an iPhone 6 Plus, and in his hands, it looks like a regular iPhone. I was like, “Cool, you got the iPhone 6 too!” And then I realized, “Oh, that’s the giant one I can never use.”

What TV shows do you watch?

I’m more of a binge viewer, so I’ll watch Game of Thrones or True Detective. I’ve been trying to start House of Cards, but I haven’t found the time yet. And sports, sports, sports. I’m from Michigan so I’m a Detroit Pistons, Lions, Red Wings, Tigers fan. I love the HBO series 24/7 and Hard Knocks.

How do you listen to music?

I usually download stuff. I just like owning music. I’ll typically use Spotify to find new things, and then I’ll buy them.

What have you been listening to lately?

I’ve been getting back into older hip-hop, like Mos Def. His albums from the ‘90s were so good. And a good friend of mine, he goes by Cool Calm Pete, has some mixtapes out that are absolutely brilliant. You can find them for free online, which is awesome.

What’s on your reading list?

I’m reading Dune right now. I saw a documentary called Jodorowsky’s Dune, about how Alejandro Jodorowsky, the surrealist art director, was going to make Dune with Salvador Dali and Orson Welles, and Pink Floyd was going to do the soundtrack, but it didn’t get made. The book is great. I mean, it’s sci-fi Tolkien. It’s “Space Hobbit.”