Video: How SourceMedia Converts Unknown Readers Into Known Users

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SourceMedia VP of audience & data AnnMarie Wills says the key to growing subscriptions is turning unknown readers into known readers. In a recent webinar, Wills explains that SourceMedia knows 15% of the readers that visit one of its sites, meaning 85% of visitors to that site are unknown. That’s a huge problem, and one that Wills and her team are trying to solve with greater focus on audience engagement. If SourceMedia can entice readers to engage with its content more regularly, it has more opportunities to register readers for a newsletter and eventually a paid subscription, says Wills.

In the following video, Wills outlines SourceMedia’s new user acquisition strategy and explains how the publisher uses off-site channels, like social media, as well as onsite messaging to drive registration.

This video is an excerpt from the webinar, “5 Ways Publishers Can Harness the Power of Demographic & Behavioral Data.” Watch the full webinar here.