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Marketers Should Look Beyond the Dazzle of CGI and Embrace Storytelling

Brand Marketing

One day this fall, thanks to an Internet rabbit hole I happened to tumble down, I saw an Audi commercial, "Birth," which had come out six months earlier. That's dog [...]

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TEDTalks Celebrates Anniversary and Success

Performance Marketing

In an Internet landscape that heavily features quirky pet reels and horrible, yet mesmerizing, musical performances, TEDTalks celebrates intellectual success.

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Wieden + Kennedy rules the TED ad contest


TED has named the 10 winners in its inaugural “Ads Worth Spreading” contest. There’s really one big winner, Wieden + Kennedy, which placed three videos among the top 10—for Chrysler, [...]

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Rory Sutherland defends advertising at TED


Here's an entertaining speech by Rory Sutherland, vice chairman of Ogilvy Group U.K., from the TED Global 2009 conference, held in Oxford, England, at the end of the July. Sutherland [...]

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You’re not at TED, but these people sure are


Not everyone can go to Davos. But for the forward-thinking, ambitious agency poohbah, who needs the Alps when the real status symbol is getting into the invitation-only TED conference, the [...]