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Life-Sized Action Figures Are Popping Up Around the World to Promote Overwatch

Brand Marketing

Sometimes, a big video game launch requires something suitably big to promote it. To mark the launch of its long-awaited new title, Overwatch, Blizzard Entertainment has partnered with Droga5 to [...]

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Shadow-Activated QR Code Actually Useful and Cool


For all the talk of mobile-marketing tech, there remains a pretty wide gap between the potential and the practicality of QR codes. That's why it's nice to see this case [...]

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In South Korea, Oreo Is Breast Milk’s Favorite Cookie (NSFW)


[Note: See Kraft's response in the update below.] Man, advertising gets fun when it doesn't have America's puritanical discomfort with the human body dragging it down. This South Korean ad [...]