Allison Mezzafonte

Allison Mezzafonte is a Sailthru advisor and a strategic consultant advising businesses and brands on organic growth strategies. As a former media executive, Allison specializes in leveraging organic media channels for brand amplification, helping brands get their message in front of the right people.

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Create an Email Management Strategy to Avoid the Spam Folder

Publishing News

Last year, Google announced that they implemented TensorFlow, an AI-driven system that immediately helped the Gmail system block 100 million more spam emails every single day. Gmail and other ISP [...]

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Are You Missing the Email Opportunity?

Performance Marketing

The best thing about email is also what makes it overlooked: It’s stable, safe, and it’s been around a while. It's a channel that is wholly owned by the publisher, [...]

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Are You Missing the Email Opportunity?


The Skimm reached seven million subscribers in seven years. The Hustle hit half a million subscribers, growing by 5X in just 12 months. Morning Brew announced their one millionth subscriber last [...]