Twitter's Self-Serve Ads Now Available... If You Use American Express

Twitter is now offering thousands of advertisers the chance to get in on their exclusive self-serve ad program – as long as these advertisers are card-holding Am-Ex patrons.

On December 1st, Twitter began silently rolling out its self-serve ad program. The program is designed to allow advertisers to purchase ads on Twitter online using their credit card, as opposed to going through a sales rep on the phone, similar to Facebook ads.

All Things D is reporting that this initial offering was available to only a very small number of advertisers, but now another 10,000 advertisers have the chance to make some money from their tweets.

In a partnership with American Express, Twitter will offer 10,000 small advertisers access to their self-serve platform. Only American Express card holders, or merchants who accept American Express, will be able to cash in on the new platform. American Express will give each new advertiser $100 to spend on their new 140-character ads.

All Things D reports that Twitter has said they will continue to add new advertisers to the program in batches of 10,000, and eventually the exclusivity with American Express will be discontinued.

The advertising program offers advertisers the ability to purchase Promoted Tweets at a cost of $0.75 to $2.50 per engagement (click, @mention, retweet or favorite), and $2.50 to $4 for ever new follow they get in association with a Promoted Account.

(Buy image via Shutterstock)