Social Media Newsfeed: #NBCFail | Google Fiber | Digg Relaunch

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Olympics: Please, Do Not Tweet Unless You Have to, Fans Told (Reuters)
Sports fans attending the London Olympics were told by Olympic bosses on Sunday to avoid sending non-urgent text messages and tweets during events because an overloaded network was affecting television coverage. Coverage of the men’s road cycling race on Saturday left many viewers in the dark at times, including details on how far back the chasing pack was from the leaders. The New York Times Twitter has turned into a fiery digital soapbox against NBC, as its users have merged their resentment over tape delay with problems viewing the livestreams. The outrage has been distilled, simply, into #nbcfail. AP NBC says it saves big events for prime-time airing because that is when most viewers are available to watch them and where the network makes the bulk of its advertising revenue. Since prime time on the U.S. East Coast coincides with 1 a.m. London time, there are no events to air live then. Mashable As you watch the Olympics, you can plainly see who wins at the various events, but who’s #winning in the world of social media? That’s where Starcount can help, showing you who are the most talked-about athletes on social media. AllTwitter The opening ceremony of the Olympics had almost 27 million television viewers in the United Kingdom alone, and close to 10 million tweets were written about the Games during the festivities. Twitter’s numbers differ slightly from an independent study and infographic by Bluefin Labs, which tracked just 5 million mentions during the opening ceremony, placing the London Olympics third behind the 2012 Grammy Awards and the 2012 BET Awards.

Google Fiber: 20 Percent of Kansas City Neighborhoods Have Already Met Their Sign-Up Goals (TechCrunch)
Just a few days ago, Google officially opened registration for the 1 gigabit fiber network it is launching on both the Kansas and Missouri sides of Kansas City. Within just two days, more than 20 percent of the eligible neighborhoods on the Missouri side have already reached Google’s thresholds for bringing its super-fast fiber network to their “fiberhoods,” and quite a few others are just a few signups away from reaching their goals.

Digg Relaunch Will Draw From Realtime, a New Search Engine for Hot Links (VentureBeat)
When the social news tool Digg relaunches this week — Wednesday to be exact — it will get help from a new product called Realtime, a search engine that surfaces links being shared the most across the Web. Realtime is owned by Bitly, the URL shortening company with the biggest market share.

Apple Officials Said to Consider Stake in Twitter (The New York Times/Bits Blog)
Apple, which has stumbled in its efforts to get into social media, has talked with Twitter in recent months about making a strategic investment in it, according to people briefed on the matter. Apple has considered an investment in the hundreds of millions of dollars, one that could value Twitter at more than $10 billion, up from an $8.4 billion valuation last year, these people said.

Facebook Influence Can Help You Get Into an L.A. Nightclub for Free (AllFacebook)
Trying to figure out what kind of benefits come with a healthy score on Klout — which takes into account influence on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks? Well, for one, a high Klout score can get you into Los Angeles’ Playhouse Nightclub for free.

Opera, Mum on Facebook Rumors, Says Mobile Users Double to 200M, and That Facebook Dominates in Africa (TechCrunch)
The buzz about a possible acquisition by Facebook has almost completely died down, but Opera has released an update on the state of its business that nevertheless highlights how its own strategic direction has closely following that of its rumored suitor. The combined number of active users of Opera’s mobile Internet browsers has now topped 200 million, nearly double the figure a year ago, with pageviews more than doubling to 115 billion.

Samsung, Apple Head for Courtroom Confrontation (CNET)
Today marks the start of the U.S. trial between Apple and Samsung, two companies that have spent the past 17 months attempting to disembowel one another with legal filings — all while quietly doing business together that helps keep them afloat. Samsung will attempt to make the case that Apple’s hottest gadgets — the iPhone and iPad — would have been impossible to make without its technology.

Instapaper for Android Sees a 600 Percent Jump in Downloads on Release of Nexus 7 (The Next Web)
Statistics from Mobelux’ Jeff Rock show that Instapaper for Android saw a 600 percent jump in downloads via the Google Play market that lined up with the day people started getting their Nexus 7 tablets. Rock says that some of this could likely be attributed to the $25 credit that Google issued with the tablet, but he doesn’t believe it accounts for all of it.

Senate Amendment Could Finally Bring Netflix into Facebook Timeline (VentureBeat)
The Senate is expected to vote on an amendment this week that would allow video rental services like Netflix to take advantage of deeper integration with social networks like Facebook. Despite being the country’s largest streaming movie service, Netflix is noticeably absent from Facebook’s Timeline feature due to a 1988 law that forbids video rental services from sharing a customer’s rental history.