Mistwalker Corporation's Terra Battle Launches on Mobile

Mistwalker Corporation has announced the launch of its role-playing game, Terra Battle, on iOS and Android devices. The game was developed by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, and sees players undertaking a journey to discovers why their planet is dying. The game sees players recruiting multiple characters, each with their own stats and strengths, and then taking up to six at a time into battle on a grid against enemy units.

In each battle of Terra Battle, players tap and drag to move their character squares around the battle grid to attack enemies. The formation of heroes in relation to enemies determines how attacks are made, as users are encouraged to flank enemies on both sides for a double attack, for instance. Surrounding an enemy on two sides, and then keeping other hero characters in a line connected to at least one hero increases the attack, and so on.

Secondary skills, like healing skills, have a chance of activating each time a unit is used in combat. As players compete, they charge power point meters at the top of the screen. When each section is filled, it places a power point somewhere on the grid, which can be thought of as another hero. Creating a formation that utilizes these power points activates much larger attacks, capable of clearing out boss characters, as an example. Each turn is timed, so players need to quickly move their characters into position before time runs out and the enemy has a chance to attack in the same way.

Each character wields a specific type of weapon, with a “rock, paper, scissors” mechanic determining which weapons have an advantage over others. To be specific, swords dominate bows, bows dominate spears and spears dominate swords.

At the end of each battle, each character receives experience points and will become stronger over time, and players earn coins that can be spent on recruiting new heroes at the tavern. Users can also use premium currency to recruit heroes. Players spend stamina to engage in combat, and can wait for this to recharge automatically over time, or spend premium currency to refill the meter instantly.

Outside of the single-player story mode, users can complete special battles in the arena. Versus and co-op battles will be unlocked in a future update.

Elsewhere, the game’s “Download Starter Campaign” functionality will see additional content and updates being rewarded to all gamers as the app reaches certain download milestones. For instance, players may receive new in-game music, characters and scenarios. There’s even the potential for a console version of the game to be developed, if this mobile releases passes two million downloads.

Terra Battle is available to download for free on the iTunes App Store and Google Play.