LIVE: MySpace Announces Mashup With Facebook

We're live on the call with MySpace CEO Mike Jones and Dan Rose of Facebook.

We’re live on the call with MySpace CEO Mike Jones and Dan Rose of Facebook. Today MySpace is announcing “Mashup With Facebook”. Included in this announcement is the implementation of the Facebook Like button throughout the site.

Unlike the news reported by Mike Arrington, this is not a complete concession by MySpace by any means. (see update in next sentence)

Actually after we’ve asked Mike Jones it appears that this will be appearing directly on the MySpace homepage. We’re also including a video that the company has used to demo the new product below. Ultimately this is a complete revamp of the homepage to allow visitors to login with Facebook. So far one million people have actually logged in with Facebook, a feature that we previously discussed. According to Dan Rose this implementation is no different than any other Facebook Connect implementation.

The Mike Arrington concession post was actually referenced on the call and Mike Jones simply emphasized that this is part of the company’s new focus on “social entertainment”. The new homepage is now live (and pictured below) and enables users to login to MySpace directly with their Facebook profiles. Pretty big moment for Facebook, although it’s pretty well known that the battle between the two companies was over long ago.