Facebook Likes Don't Necessarily Mean Brand Loyalty

Facebook marketers, likes on pages or posts don't amount to brand loyalty.

Facebook marketers, likes on pages or posts don’t amount to brand loyalty.

That’s the conclusion of eMarketer upon studying data eVoc Insights and the Chief Marking Officers Council.

A study from eVoc found that 59 percent of Facebook users have liked the page of a brand or company during the past six months, and that 54 percent of those users who liked pages said they were somewhat or much more likely to purchase goods or services from those brands.

According to eMarketer, the categories scoring the most likes are food, TV shows, music, movies, and clothing.

On the flip side, the CMO Council, as previously reported, found that consumers’ top expectation after liking pages was to be eligible for exclusive offers, whereas the top answer for why marketers thought Facebook users liked their pages was agreeable content, at 57 percent.

The conclusion from eMarketer is:

The link between likes and loyalty remains unclear. Although consumers respond favorably about their likelihood to purchase from a brand they follow on Facebook, that’s not overly evident from their Facebook timelines. Marketers should keep in mind that for consumers, Facebook remains primarily a place to interact with peers and share experiences. Although many consumers have opened up to brands that are present on Facebook, brand marketers should not expect that they’ve earned consumer loyalty simply because a consumer has clicked the like button.

Readers, if likes don’t amount to brand loyalty, should marketers worry about them any less?