Burson-Marsteller Disputes Hill Story on Stimulus Contract

The Hill‘s Alexander Bolton reported today that Burson-Marsteller received “$5.97 million from the $787 billion stimulus” package, which “helped preserve three jobs” at the agency. The contract was for a PR campaign around the national switch from analog to digital television.

Burson-Marsteller responded via blog post, calling the story, “fundamentally inaccurate.” The post says the budget for the contract was $6 million, but only $4.36 million was spent, $2.439 million of which went to a media buy and $147,000 of which went to “advertising production houses.”

Burson’s fees totaled $1,375,000, while sister company Penn Schoen Berland’s total fees were $142,000. Vendors Burson worked with on the campaign include PRNewswire, Strauss Radio, Multiview Incorporated and Balsera Communications.

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