7000 Hours Of News Video Uploaded To YouTube Daily [Infographic]

YouTube has become a go-to source for news hounds looking for footage of major events around the globe and as the year comes to a close YouTube has released an infographic about news on the online video site in 2012. The infographic reveals the top news moments on YouTube in 2012, as well as some surprising statistics.

YouTube has become a go-to source for news hounds looking for footage of major events around the globe and as the year comes to a close YouTube has released an infographic about news on the online video site in 2012.  The infographic reveals the top news moments on YouTube in 2012, as well as some surprising statistics.

Over 7,000 hours of news-related video is uploaded to YouTube each day and the infographic reveals some of the events that accounted for the most uploaded footage and the largest audiences:

  • Hurricane Sandy: 70+ hour continuous livestream from The Weather Channel drew 13 million views
  • U.S. Presidential Elections: Videos tagged with Obama or Romney racked up over 2.7 billion views and the debates drew 27 million views
  • Syrian Protests: Over 350,000 news and politics videos were uploaded form Syria in 2012
  • Red Bull Stratus: 8 million people watched Felix’s jump from space live—the largest live audience to ever assemble on YouTube

Check out the full infographic below to find out more and let us know what you think.  How many of the events on the infographic did you tune into YouTube to find out about?

Megan O’Neill is the resident web video expert here at Social Times.  Megan covers everything from the latest viral videos to online video news and tips, and has a passion for bizarre, original and revolutionary content and ideas.