Flick Soccer's Goal: Killing Your Productivity on iOS

Full Fat Games, developer of well-known iOS titles like Coin Drop! and Flick Golf, has sent its latest out onto the field: Flick Soccer. This arcade-style sports game for iPhone and iPod Touch is available now for $0.99 on the App Store.

Essentially a collection of gesture-based soccer mini-games, Flick Soccer presents players with five challenge modes. In the first, Quick Play, they see how long they can keep playing by swiping the soccer ball to “kick” it into floating targets inside the goal. The more accurate the kick, the more time is added to the clock. Endurance mode provides players with a limited stock of balls that are lost if the kick is missed. However, hitting a bullseye re-stocks one ball.

Smash It mode tasks players with kicking balls into panes of glass, while Crossbar mode awards points for kicking balls into the top bar of the goal. The fifth and final mode, Challenge, is more traditional with players aiming for high scores using a set number of balls within a time limit in order to earn bronze, silver and gold medals.

While attempting their shots, players must contend with computer-controlled defenders and a quite competent AI goalkeeper. Flick Soccer is single-player only, although it does feature Game Center integration for achievements and leaderboards.

You can follow Flick Soccer’s performance using AppData, our traffic tracking service for mobile games and developers.