Portrait of Evan Weiner

Evan Weiner

Evan Weiner is currently a director of corporate marketing at GoDaddy, overseeing the enterprise's global social marketing function and center of excellence. His career has always been firmly rooted in strategic marketing and brand building, including building the social marketing functions at public technology brands like Newegg, TrueCar and GoDaddy, as well as having worked agency-side and as an internal consultant. He supports the marketing and LGBTQ+ communities through advisory roles with Brand Innovators and Reaching Out MBA, as a content contributor with Adweek and as a guest lecturer at USC and in the CSU system. He holds both his BS and MBA from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California.

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Lessons Taught and Learned Through the Art of Drag


Drag is a fixture in the LGBTQ+ community and can be one in your role as a brand marketer as well.