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VIZIO Ads Helps Create Incremental Sales of $7.2M for Auto Brand With Home Screen Promo

New research out of VIZIO Ads indicates significant lower-funnel impact driven by exposure to new Home Screen sponsorship opportunity for advertisers.

Advertisers and publishers looking for opportunities to break through a competitive streaming landscape now have the chance to sponsor the first thing viewers see when they power on most smart TV devices. As the primary interface of the home entertainment experience, VIZIO’s Home Screen can help partners deliver their content at the first step of their target audience’s content discovery journey.

To help advertisers understand the outcomes of VIZIO Home Screen exposure, they conducted research across three categories – restaurant, automotive and insurance. Results indicated each advertiser achieved growth in key measures.

For example, an automotive brand partnered with VIZIO Ads to sponsor the Home Screen viewer experience as their launch strategy for an updated version of one of their most trusted vehicle models. Exposure helped lead to a 34% increase in sales for the vehicle, a higher sales rate than the national average. This increase translated to $7.2M in incremental sales, following exposure to VIZIO Home Screen. By securing a sponsorship of a specially curated collection of fitting TV titles with VIZIO Home Screen, the brand was able to reach their target audience and drive sales for the new model.

Additional insights from the research:

  • A VIZIO Home Screen campaign for a pizza restaurant helped build value messaging and contributed to a significant lift in Purchase Intent for the brand.
  • An insurance company saw conversion rates increase 4% following exposure to their VIZIO Home Screen campaign.

The VIZIO Home Screen provides a cumulative streaming environment in a digestible user interface which provides opportunities to appear front and center on the first screen viewers see when they power on their VIZIO TVs. Advertisers benefit from the seamless integration of their brand into the most pivotal moments of consumers’ content discovery experience to extend their messages, reach their audiences and drive business outcomes.

[Read And Download The Full Case Study]

This case study and its results are not guarantees of the future performance of VIZIO Ads and are subject to factors which are beyond its control and may cause actual results to differ from expectations.

VIZIO Ads was created to help deliver a more relevant advertising experience to consumers and brands alike. Offering premium, addressable advertising inventory inside of WatchFree, SmartCast and within popular TV apps, VIZIO Ads gives advertisers the ability to reach new audiences with relevant messages at the right time. VIZIO Ads gives its customers personable service, app-level transparency and screen-level verification to ensure brands can invest with confidence across one of the largest smart TV footprints in the U.S. Learn more here: