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Valentín Bueno Shares Benefits of AI in Global Outdoor Advertising

"The use of artificial intelligence in outdoor advertising and digital out-of-home advertising is paving the way for a more personalized and effective advertising experience," expresses Valentín Bueno, CEO of Worldcom OOH.

Currently, in the digital age, the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being felt across various industries, and the outdoor advertising sector is no exception. Worldcom OOH, a company specializing in worldwide OOH, DOOH, and Programmatic media strategy, planning, and trading, presents the main benefits of using Artificial Intelligence in the global outdoor advertising industry, based on quantitative and qualitative studies conducted by MarketsandMarketers and IMARC Group, two prominent global market research companies.

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the world, and the outdoor advertising sector is keeping up. AI offers a range of benefits to companies looking to enhance their presence and effectively reach their audiences through DOOH and OOH campaigns.

In the OOH and DOOH industry, AI allows us to connect five fundamental pillars: the audience, consumption situations, the message, the media, and sales results.

Our tool, Worldcom Media Services, enables us to do just that: manage information from these four pillars, which represent the future of communication and marketing. Doing this in real time is made possible by Artificial Intelligence. Additionally, “learning” from each model, for each brand, which is truly distinctive, and seeing the results at the end of what every advertiser desires: clear and measurable results.

This enables us to transform cities around the world into massive “Distribution Channels” for billions of consumers, driving them to physical or digital channels.

These five highlighted aspects are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of process automation and personalized experiences for our clients. Advances in AI and IAG have been impressive and are projected to continue enhancing consumer experiences across all media in a future that promises significant growth for the sector.

AI Fosters Creativity in the OOH and DOOH Industry

According to “MarketsandMarkets,” the projected annual growth rate for AI-generated advertising is 29.6% until 2026, reaching a market value of $13 billion. Mobile devices and advertisements at airports, train stations, bus shelters, medical waiting rooms, shopping malls, retail stores, cinemas, and major highways will be channels for utilizing new AI-based tools related to creativity, among many other advantages contributing to campaign effectiveness.

Enhances the Impact of Advertising Campaigns and Consumer Experience

According to a McKinsey study, companies investing in generative AI to personalize communications based on objectives are experiencing a 40% increase in revenue compared to those not using these tools.

Enables the Industry to Better Adapt to Interests and Preferences

By creating personalized advertising campaigns, the possibility of receiving information about potential consumers through the use of AI and visualizing it on any type of screen allows for generating content tailored to the target audience.

Facilitates the Creation of Personalized Visual Content

This is especially true for Generation Z and Millennials. AI-generated advertising is particularly well-received among younger generations. According to a HubSpot study, 66% of Generation Z consumers and 63% of Millennials are open to AI-generated advertising as long as they are informed that it’s sponsored content.

The Textile, Fashion, and Luxury Sectors Benefit Primarily from Generative AI

Generative AI is the branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on generating original content from existing data. This technology uses advanced algorithms and neural networks to learn from texts and images and then generate new and unique content. According to the McKinsey study, generative AI could increase the operating profits of sectors such as fashion and luxury by up to $275 billion in the next three to five years.

The use of artificial intelligence in outdoor advertising and digital out-of-home advertising is paving the way for a more personalized and effective advertising experience. The projected annual growth rate of AI-generated advertising is evidence of its growing importance in the industry. Leveraging AI allows for creative optimization, better campaign impact, improved adaptation to the target audience, personalized visual content, and enhanced benefits for specific sectors. As the world continues to advance, finding a balance between innovation and safeguarding individual rights and privacy in AI-driven advertising is important. The potential for AI to revolutionize advertising and connect brands with their audience is undeniable.

Article written by Valentín Bueno, CEO of Worldcom OOH.

Worldcom OOH is a Company specialized in OOH media, created to meet the demand for out-of-home advertising in outdoor, indoor, digital, transport means, mobile and cinema. It provides local and regional services to Latin America, in the three business stages: Planning, implementation and control. It employs over 200 people directly and has a wide network of strategic partners for the commercial and operational management in over 18 countries in North America and Europe, with current projection to the Asian market.