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Watch everything the Dachis Group folks do


The current vogue on ad-industry Web sites is transparency. Rather than post simply case studies of your work, you show off what people are saying about it and the agency. [...]

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Is the Axe Effect site a pointless ‘wankfest’?


And now it's Axe's turn. It, too, is dipping into the Modernista! school of Web marketing with an "Axe Effect" site. Technically, it's not an un-site, but it follows the [...]

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Fallon tries to improve on Modernista!’s site


Fallon wants to get its mojo back as an innovative shop steeped in the latest and greatest interactive. After all, it's been eight years since BMW Films debuted. The Minneapolis [...]

Alt Image Text redeemed by its Skittles work?


Skittles took over Twitter yesterday. Discussion of's extreme social makeover of swamped the service, with people posting profane messages to get on the brand's site and various social-media [...]

Alt Image Text pulls a Modernista! for Skittles


In the offline ad world, creatives are always quick to cry "rip-off." Pretty much everything strikes me as derivative of the Bible and Beowulf, but protecting the originality of "the [...]

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Downturn not kind to Modernista!’s anti-site


Of all the new agency Web sites out there, Modernista!'s probably created the most buzz when it was introduced last March. It acts as an anti-site, using the greater Internet [...]