Watch Tweets Being Sent Around The World In Real-Time With Tweetping [MAP]

More than one billion tweets are sent every 2-3 days across Twitter, which has become a social network of significant importance (to varying degrees) in every continent, and almost every country, around the world.

Absorbing all of those tweets is an impossible task, as there are simply too many of them to follow. But wouldn’t it be great if there was a way that you could see all of that Twitter activity, as it happened, in real-time?

Enter Tweetping. Load up the website, and you’ll be quickly presented with a map of the world. And then the tweets start to flow. And flow. And flow.

It’s hypnotic. And amazing.

What I’ve found particularly enlightening is where the most tweets are sent. Having had Tweetping open for about half an hour, it’s clearly Asia that’s the hotbed of Twitter activity, leading both Europe and the U.S. by some distance.

It’s fascinating stuff. A big hat tip to Tweetping-developer Franck Ernewein for the great work.