Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn & Google+ - Social Media Stats, Facts & Figures [INFOGRAPHIC]

When it comes to the world of social networking, one thing has very been clear for a long time: Facebook dominates.

Indeed, with its more than one billion active users and a strong presence in almost every major country in the planet, Facebook is very much top of the hierarchy of social media and isn’t going to be toppled by anyone else anytime soon. However, while it rules overall, Facebook doesn’t lead every key social metric, with Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and (even) Google+ all contributing to a very healthy, and very diverse, social media landscape.

This interactive infographic from Social Media Today takes a closer look at some important statistics, facts and figures from the world of social networking, including the latest data on sharing trends, Fortune 500 social media usage, time spent by all users and more.

(Source: Social Media Today. Social media image via Shutterstock.)