Juror Seeks Advice on Facebook. Bad Idea.

It’s typically not in the best interest of a court case for jurors to speak about the trial, even to friends and family. But one British woman thought that her network on Facebook could help her decide which way to go regarding a trial for which she was a juror. According to CNet, the woman, who’s name has not been disclosed, posted a note on Facebook detailing the trial and holding a poll, in order to help her make a decision.

The woman was torn regarding the court case involving child abduction and sexual assault. The note published on Facebook was set as public, meaning any Facebook member could see her poll. Though I can’t imagine that even a private note would have been the ethical thing to do. Had the note been private, however, perhaps the woman wouldn’t have gotten caught and subsequently kicked off the jury.

I suppose these are the types of situations president elect Obama is trying to avoid, with his added requirements for White House employees to disclose aliases and handles used for Internet communications. If the juror’s note hadn’t been public and there hadn’t been someone available to tip off the British court, her Facebook poll could have made headlines before the proper authorities found out. But if an employer or court authority already knows your aliases used online, then they can actively attempt to protect themselves from similar situations. Creepy? Or a matter of safety and justice?

Image from The Sun