Instagram Expands To The Web

Instagram, the super popular photo-sharing app owned by Facebook, has expand its presence online by launching Instagram profiles on the Web. The site will roll out the new feature this week. Users can access their online profile, with the URL[username].

Here is more from Instagram’s blog: “Your web profile features a selection of your recently shared photographs just above your profile photo and bio, giving others a snapshot of the photos you share on Instagram. In addition, you can follow users, comment & like photos and edit your profile easily and directly from the web.”

The pages look a lot like a social network profile pages, dominated by images. You can see Mycookingdiary‘s page pictured left. Companies are also taking advantage of the new feature. Check out Nike’s page here

The Instagram Web profiles will respect the user’s privacy settings — if you have a public page, it will be public online and if you have set it to private in the app, it will be private online.