Brands Can Use Images in Facebook Comments, Too

Should change 'engagement' on social site

Facebook created buzz earlier today when it was revealed that it's rolling out the ability for consumers to insert images into comment threads. In a nod to sites like Tumblr and Pinterest, it's likely going to make Facebook a lot more visual for its audience.

What's more, brands will be able to respond to consumers' Facebook comments with images of their own, per a source close to the situation.

It could make CRM and/or business-to-consumer engagement more "fun" on the social site, allowing companies to show more personality. It could make communication between marketing staffers and their Facebook audience a little more seamless (imagine an ecommerce firm simply posting an image that step-by-step explains how to return products). It will probably make for even more work for social media teams, already herding cats via the previously mentioned social channels as well as Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, MySpace, Foursquare, etc.

At any rate, the images-in-comments feature is coming to Facebook mobile and Web news feeds soon. And brands have yet another connection-point to engage the digitally social consumer.