How to Get Your Pitch to the Right Editor

Creating a winning magazine article idea and then articulating it into a knockout query letter is challenging enough for most writers, but all that hard work can be pointless if the pitch never reaches the right editor.

Let’s look at a few common obstacles, shall we? The editor who once covered the column you’re interested in has moved to a rival publication, but his name is still listed on his former pub’s masthead. No. 2: You’ve found the right editor and know for a fact she still works at the pub, but her email address keeps bouncing back. Or, you call the magazine simply to ask who handles a section, but no one ever… answers… the… phone. Arggh! Why is it so hard to find an editor’s contact information in the first place?

For tried and true tips from successful writers, read 7 Ways to Track Down a Magazine Editor.

Sherry Yuan

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