Video: Ward Sutton's Cartoon Book Reviews

As digital books evolve, maybe the book review can evolve too–incorporating more texts, links, and maybe even cartoons.

Last night eBookNewser covered Digital Book World‘s 7x20x21 event, a series of presentations, by seven industry professionals, each given seven minutes, the chance to choose 20 slides, and 21 seconds to talk about each picture. The night was hosted by and Ami Greko and Guy LeCharles Gonzalez.

All seven presenters focused on publishing optimism, but cartoonist Ward Sutton had a particularly cheery story–explaining how he re-invented his career as a pioneering book reviewing cartoonist. As the video below shows, he found new work following an interview in GalleyCat. In addition, Sutton explored his newest project, reviewing children’s books with his signature style. Follow this link to read his cartoon reviews.

Stay tuned for more coverage of Digital Book World’s 7x20x21 event, and check The New Sleekness blog for slides and materials from the presentations.