The KKK Wants In On This Whole 'Rebranding' Thing

Say you’re a deeply hated racist organization desperate to stay relevant in an era of dwindling membership, a terrible reputation and–you know–the modern world. Say a certain non-white president just got re-elected. What would you do?

Well, the infamous white knights of the Ku Klux Klan have decided to attack their PR problem from two directions by blanketingtarget communities” with inflammatory fliers while letting the press know that they’ve totally changed–like, for realsies this time.

You might be surprised to learn that the folks behind the KKK are no strangers to branding exercises: they used a 2011 protest by the infamous Westboro Baptist Church to effectively say “Hey, at least we’re not as bad as these guys”. According to a group spokesman who discussed the future of hateful white men with a Denver Fox affiliate, the KKK “[doesn’t] hate anyone”. They just want to ensure that “good things come to our race” (by excluding other races).

We’ll just let Stephen Colbert take it from here: