Tabs, Lucky Cruise, RaceTown, video, greetings, more on this week’s top 20 emerging Facebook apps by MAU

Tabs were a big part of our list of emerging Facebook applications by monthly active users this week. Games, greetings, friend and video apps were also popular.

The apps grew from between 120,000 and 430,000 MAU, based on AppData, our data tracking service covering traffic growth for apps on Facebook. We define emerging applications as those that ended with between 100,000 and 1 million MAU in the past week.

Top Gainers This Week

Name MAU Gain Gain,%
1.   Woobox Custom Tab | Arrow #3 980,000 +430,000 + 78%
2.   Lucky Cruise 980,000 +290,000 + 42%
3.   Hoop De Loop Saga 920,000 +270,000 + 42%
4.   MyVideo 290,000 +220,000 + 314%
5.   Static HTML… [Ninth Tab] 970,000 +190,000 + 24%
6.   Tab Builder: Badge 1,000,000 +190,000 + 23%
7.   Tab Builder: Music 430,000 +180,000 + 72%
8.   Tower Blocks 1,000,000 +180,000 + 22%
9.   Parking Mania 850,000 +170,000 + 25%
10.   @Hearts 920,000 +160,000 + 21%
11.   RaceTown 320,000 +160,000 + 100%
12.   21 Preguntas 770,000 +150,000 + 24%
13.   Tab Builder: Basic White 1,000,000 +150,000 + 18%
14.   Lucky Slots – Free Slot Machines 630,000 +140,000 + 29%
15.   Smeet 900,000 +140,000 + 18%
16.   Super Mario Classic 820,000 +140,000 + 21%
17.   FBML Tab Maker 600,000 +130,000 + 28%
18.   Greetings 510,000 +130,000 + 34%
19.   Best Friends 170,000 +120,000 + 240%
20.   Greetings 500,000 +120,000 + 32%

Woobox Custom Tab | Arrow #3 topped our list of apps this week; other tab apps included HTML, badge and music apps. Games on the list included Lucky CruiseHoop De Loop Saga, RaceTown, Lucky Slots – Free Slot Machines and Super Mario Classic.

All data in this post comes from our traffic tracking service, AppData. Stay tuned next week for our look at the top weekly gainers by monthly active users on Monday, the top weekly gainers by daily active users on Wednesday, and the top emerging apps on Friday.