How Social Media Leads To Social Change [INFOGRAPHIC]

Did you know that almost three quarters (73 percent) of U.S. adults say that being involved in social change is personally important to them?

The rapid advancement and growth of channels such as Twitter and Facebook has had a dramatic effect on our personal and professional lives, and, thanks to platforms such as Kickstarter, and Pencils Of Promise, both users and organizations have been empowered to advance social change in education, as well as fundraising for good causes and other worthy projects.

Indeed, four out of five adults believe that “I can make the world a better place by my actions.” But how? The 2012 Social Change Impact Report revealed that people do want to help out, even when times are bad, and this infographic from Best Colleges takes a closer look at how social media has led to social change.

(Source: Best Colleges. Social change image via Shutterstock.)