FishbowlNY is on the road

Today I make the sacred pilgrimage to the City of Angels, where I will meet my brother in blogging arms, FishbowlLA, and go forth to face the awesome might and power of the HuffPo, which I will vanquish with Canadiana, showtunes, and very smart things said under the influence of champagne. Do you ever write things and realize that people are probably going to think you were on drugs when you wrote them? Me neither. Point being, no Fishbowlin’ for me today — I need my beauty sleep so John Cusack can fall in love with me. You think I’m kidding but actually I’m quite loveable, just ask my boyfriend ex-boyfriend mom. Please enjoy our other fine bloggers and check in with us in the wee hours for our Huff-tastic party write up! Because based on this entry, you clearly don’t come to Fishbowl for the writing.

p.s. I’m betting Ahmad Chalabi won’t be there. Just a hunch.