5 Golden Rules To Keep Your Children Safe On Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social media has changed the world and revolutionised the way that billions of people engage and interact with each other, as well as with brands, institutions and public bodies.

However, like many things on the internet, social networking comes with a dark side, too. Sure, it’s not quite as dark as some would have you believe, but it definitely pays to use your common sense. Of course, kids don’t have much of that, so as parents and concerned citizens we need to look out for them. What should you be doing to keep your children safe online?

Essentially, you need to be proactive, and take an interest. Ask your child to show you the sites that they are using and the friends they are connecting with. Encourage them to be mindful of their privacy and educate them on the kinds of images they should (and should not) be sharing. Most importantly, ask your child to speak to you if they are worried about something online.

This infographic from the British Council proposes 5 golden rules designed to enable parents and carers to help their children enjoy social media but stay safe.

(Source: British Council.)