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New Work: MedDraw Studio

This week, the Medical Illustration & Animation Sourcebook highlights recent work from MedDraw Studio.

This week, the Medical Illustration & Animation Sourcebook highlights recent work from MedDraw Studio.

Illustrator: MedDraw Studio

Client: Baby Gooroo

From the artist: “These bookmarks were created for Baby Gooroo, featuring infants portrayed with different physical characteristics to represent various ethnicities.”

Click here to view the full showcase.

MedDraw portfolio | MedDraw website

Since 1984, countless artists have launched and nurtured their careers with the help of the Medical Illustration Sourcebook. Today we offer an updated Medical Illustration & Animation Marketing Program that reflects broader capabilities and continues to meet the evolving needs of this highly specialized industry. The program revolves around an ongoing cycle of online + print + social media promotion that puts you in front of a qualified audience of science and healthcare art buyers.