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3FX, Inc: Illuminating the Complex Link Between Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension

This week, the Medical Illustration & Animation Sourcebook is proud to highlight recent work from 3FX, Inc.

This week, the Medical Illustration & Animation Sourcebook is proud to highlight recent work from 3FX, Inc.

In the world of medical visualization, 3FX Inc continues to push boundaries with its groundbreaking animations. Their latest creation focuses on cirrhosis, a condition characterized by scarring of the liver tissue, and its lesser-known connection to portal hypertension.

Through this informative and engaging animation, 3FX Inc not only educates the public but also emphasizes the significance of early diagnosis and management of cirrhosis. By raising awareness about the relationship between cirrhosis and portal hypertension, they contribute to better-informed patients and healthcare professionals, ultimately helping to save lives.

Click here to read the full post.

3FX Inc portfolio | 3FX Inc website

Since 1984, countless artists have launched and nurtured their careers with the help of the Medical Illustration Sourcebook. Today we offer an updated Medical Illustration & Animation Marketing Program that reflects broader capabilities and continues to meet the evolving needs of this highly specialized industry. The program revolves around an ongoing cycle of online + print + social media promotion that puts you in front of a qualified audience of science and healthcare art buyers.