Happy Endings

Ah, easy prey. The media absolutely loves a black-and-white story. And it doesn’t get more stark than the story of a loser losing his meal ticket. Here’s how the press is handling the K-Fed/Spears story:

E! Online: In possible the funniest turn on the topic, the Answer Bitch suggests the root of our disgust with Kevin Federline stems from his weasel-like countenance.

LAT: We thought the material was pretty easy, but apparently it wasn’t easy enough for Deborah Netburn, who seems to base her entire story on the musings of an unnamed co-worker who “brushed by” her cubicle.

New York Post: OK, so it’s not LA media. And we don’t actually believe it’s true. But it’s so much fun, we’re going to reprint it here: NYP says Briney broke the news to K-Fed via text message. Datz So Hrsh!