This Just In: Aaron Sorkin Reshoots Cost HBO a Lot of Money

It’s the kind of juicy feature article pull quote that publicists usually can only dream of in the midst of a Skinny Margarita evening confab:

Aaron Sorkin on the multi-million dollar reshoots of the first few episodes of Season Two: “I doubt HBO’s going to be happy with my telling you this, but I got off to a false start with Season Two. With my hat in my hand, I went to HBO and said, ‘Would it be all right if I started again? I know it’s going to cost time and it’s going to cost a lot of money.’ Other networks would have said no.”

That email-bulletined excerpt and a whole lot more can be found in a cover story by senior TV writer Lacey Rose for the June 28 edition of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. The article also runs down the list of The Newsroom Season Two consultants, a group that includes CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and former TIME editor Jim Kelly.

Not too long ago, series co-star Jane Fonda described her character Leah Lansing as “Rupert Murdoch marinated in Ted Turner.” We don’t know about you, but we here at FishbowlNY can’t wait for July 14. Read the full THR cover story here.